Oct 25, 2022
This week: Cobra and Cory, The gay samurai, The real Florida Man, Colon Accosters, Guy abducted by celebrity teens, Horton hears a siren, HOAssault, Smokin' soap, Shit bucket scientists, Musty pusty, Senor penor, Bees nuts.
RFI was about Tartaros.
RSS: http://hatebus.libsyn.com/rss
Oct 18, 2022
We made this one for you and I'm too tired to write show notes.
RFI was about Samhain.
RSS: http://hatebus.libsyn.com/rss
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OnTheHateBus
Poast: https://poa.st/@HateBus
Poast TV: https://poast.tv/a/hatebus
Poast Stream: https://poast.tv/w/2xUcLm8hdabb65KqgEfMja
Oct 11, 2022
This week: Nice try FBI, Long pig, Asparagus prognostication, Amputee Assault, These are not my beautiful pants, Ol' crazy Slocum, Pipe snake, Dildo disposal, Cow dowry and the return of Darkie Diatribes.
RSS: http://hatebus.libsyn.com/rss
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OnTheHateBus
Poa.st: https://poa.st/@HateBus
Oct 4, 2022
This week: Ride the 'Tism train, Trainjacking, Knocking children down, Porch pirate pranks, Supermarket snafu, Grudge for the ages, Raincoat fetish, Tasty bleach curry, It's AIDS, Razorblade surprise, Walleye warfare, So much poop, and Elephant payback.
RFI was about Chorny Obelisk.