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The Hate Bus

Jan 29, 2020

This week we discussed: BJ's for Wimpy, Invalid Coupons, Having those pills, Sauced senior shits slacks, The sauntering bank robber, Fire department responds to fire apartment, Undocumented consent stories, Nancy Goins CIA operative, Poopy parking lot, Swallowing eels for the feels, Roosters with razors, Super Pig,...

Jan 22, 2020

This week we discussed: A slow motion rampage, Yoga assault, Drunk want to wrestle men, Underwater under arrest, Divorce duel, Chuck 'The Animal' Piglowski, Asian butt stuff, Strange Japanese fetish, Temple of the runs, Alpha dating moves, The tears of an Injun, Explosive personality, William G. stories, and as...

Jan 14, 2020

This week we discussed: #WholesomeHashtags, Criminal drops his own charges, Golf Fight Club, A shocking arrest, Soiled slacks, Police poop pranks, Animal magnetism, Gay sandwiches, Mole rat merkins, Dumb lady doing dumb stuff, Female excremental empowerment, Delicious adult creampies at McD's, Greenbean stories, and as...

Jan 7, 2020

This week we discussed: Festive Fireworks Fuck-ups, Dares are legally binding, Perp bites Pooch story, Special kneads, Dr. Pepper divorce fiasco, The gayest straight wedding in the world, The dreaded Clarkson fight, A drunk one or two, My dog my pee, Willy Greenbean, and as always Nocturnal Notifications.
RFI was about...