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The Hate Bus

May 28, 2018

This week the triumphant return of Wraff, Tommy's movie reviews, The Boy Scouts teen sex Jamboree, William H. Macy's lusty daughters, Father of the year in Texas, Long Island hate crime, Tim Horton's shit shenanigans, Gypsy enrichment, Aussie fatty punched in the mouth, Immigration, Pig pestered person phones police,...

May 22, 2018

This week we discuss Killer Clowns, Gothic sodomy, Death by Dachshund, Combat Dolphins, Raccoon Armies, Ebola-chan, Talking about all the weeds, Journalists with shot nerves, Guy doesn't get the Steel Panther joke, Dumb kid names, 4 year old white advocates, Gay dude wants your guns, The rent is too damn high around...

May 15, 2018

This week we discuss practicing karate on swans, a lil bit of horse fucking, black pinatas, a nice game of cornhole, clown antifa, Harry Potter fans of size, Starbucks toilet humor, Guns n Roses cucks, Spotify telling you what to listen to, West Sacramento snooping on social media, A Wrinkle in Oprah's pocketbook,...

May 8, 2018

This week on the bus... We discuss Worlds strongest man competition, Kane for Mayor?, Vaping is healthy, Anti-semitic tweets, Jewish splosions, Celebrate the Jews some more goy, Join the Peckerwoods, Goofy raping pants, Aussies drink piss, State mandated homosex, Gay conversion, Flowers from Traini, The downfall of the...

May 1, 2018

This week we discuss more health studies followed up by some fat wamen stories, A bearded badass in the army, stolen penis transplant, huwite employee of the decade, live streaming your own destruction, roastie posting, bowl-cuts and tee springs, sci-fi border patrols, Alien Asian Farm, You too can be a good white...