Feb 20, 2019
This week we discuss Dolphins on drugs, Gross dude defiles dogs, An agent of god show off his snake, Mr. Assman, Setting fires due to snacks, Homeless Fornication, Fake doctor is /ourguy/, Man tries to give women another gaping hatchet wound, Brains for dinner..., Jerkin in the Wal-Mart, Hotpocket Hijinx, The best...
Feb 13, 2019
This week we discuss N-word Pass, Angry dude smashes automobiles, A lonely lil feller, Too long of showers, A man that destroys and creates, Choking out a mountain lion, Coal Patrol, A new bit called News From the Past, Crack Pipe in the Cooter, Police get zapped, Man threatens to split cheeks, Guy has the big...
Feb 6, 2019
This week we discuss The Man who lewds horses, Man escaping the zombie apocalypse, A frozen Eagle Aerie, Doing donuts at the airport, Kid steals a frickin Taurus, Oppressed gamers, A cool guy doing finger guns, Fun size wiener, Cereal Flasher, All I wanted was a pepsi, The RV of death, The Keister, E-Thot responsible...