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The Hate Bus

Sep 19, 2023

This week: Shout outs from KingCobraJFS, Sacramento City Council, Who rapes the rapist, Confusing hole, Dick pill village, The shower guy, Horny in Chicago, Repossessing the mower, Gun titties, Lil poop eater, Shits on a plane, Meeting sharks, Mass death yoga, Rape my wife please, Fake hostage and Poop'n'slide. 

RFI was...

Sep 5, 2023

This week: Farewell Steve Harwell, Cobra the silly snake, Wrong way dumb fuck, The Clussy Professor, Spiritual enlightenment (Meth), Vomit Airlines, Butt stuffing, Chode chomper, Graveyard goofs, Me llamo Joker and Gunt-cealed carry. 

RFI was about Katatonia. 

